Terms & conditions

Payments & shipping
We accept Visa, MasterCard and wire transfers. Prices do not include delivery charges. Prices shown on the site are in USD. Your shipping cost will be calculated separately. We will email you and provide you with a shipping quote via email for your approval. Please note that many of our products are hand-made and therefore each possess unique characteristics. Small imperfections are often inherent to the materials we work with and are what makes each piece special. Faulty items will be replaced by the same type of product, subject to availability.

Import charges & taxes
Your order may attract import duty and local sales taxes depending on where you are located. Customers will need to pay these upon receipt of the shipment. Any additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you. These rules vary by country and your local government determines duty and customs charges, so you should contact your local customs office for further information. Customers outside Argentina are exempt from VAT. 21% of the total amount will be deducted when you select your country at the checkout.

Cecilia Grierson 322 Local A C1104
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
+54911 3030 6543